
How to divide your yarn by ply 毛線拆股方法

搜尋了很多網路上的文章後,發現大部分教人拆線的文章,都是在講"依長度"來拆,但我需 要的是"依股數"來拆,後來我發現了這個方法,覺得還滿好用的。如果還有其他織友有更好的方法,也歡迎分享交流。
I found that most of the articles on the Internet are teaching knitter to divide their yarn by "length" instead of "plies", so I decide to share the way I use with you.  If you have better ways to divide yarn, please do not hesitate to share with others.

過程如下 The processes:

1. 拿出你的線
     Take out the yarn you want to divide by strand

     Today's actress - Sable, which is constructed by 3 plies of yarn, so I am going to divide it into 2 plies and 1 ply.

2. 拆開標籤,將外面的線頭分為兩股及一股,稍微分開
    Take off the label.  Divide the outer yarn tail in to 2 plies and 1 ply.

3. 把線拉出約160cm(因人而異,剛開始不要太貪心拉太長),在約160cm處以大別針固定在線球上
    Pull out the yarn for about 160cm (it depends, don't be so greedy in the beginning).  Use big pin to fix the tail on yarn ball.

4. 一手拉一股的線,另一手拉兩股的線。把手舉起,讓線球騰空並開始旋轉,就能順利把剛才的160cm拆股
    Hold the 1 ply yarn by your one hand, and 2 plies by another.  Rise your hands and keep the yarn ball in the air, and then it will start to rotate.  The 160cm yarn will be divided soon.

5. 把剛才拆開的部分整理一下,以免打結
    Make up the divided part you just done to prevent any trouble afterwards.

6. 重覆步驟3~5,就能分好啦~
    Repeat step 3~5, and you will success in dividing the skein of yarn.

Remark:  The components of this yarn are 30% Sable fur, 40% Corpilon (?), and 30% warm velvet (?).  If you pull the yarn to fast, it is really easy to be broken.  This situation is probably happen in every yarn which contains high percentage of fur (or some things like that).

It takes about 20 minutes to divide 40 meters yarn after your are familiar with the steps.
